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Join KDFI Today!



What are the benefits of joining Kingdom Destiny Fellowship International? You will:

  • Receive a Certificate of Membership Affiliation

  • Receive Apostolic Impartation via Monthly Teleconference

  • Build Kingdom Relationships

  • Attend and participate in the Kingdom Destiny Fellowship International Annual Conferences & Convocations

  • Have opportunities to attend and participate in Regional Conferences

  • Access opportunities for ordination, education, pastoral development, and planning for current and future benefits.


What is the global membership of Kingdom Destiny Fellowship International?
Kingdom Destiny Fellowship International is comprised of pastors and leaders from across the United States, the Bahamas, the Philippines, Pakistan, Japan, Kuwait, Europe, the West Indies, India, East Africa, West Africa, and South Africa. Pastors in other locations are rapidly catching the vision as well, and the result is a diverse and richly-gifted membership.


How do I get involved in Kingdom Destiny Fellowship International?
If you would like to become a part of KDFI, simply click the Join Us button above. Of if you would like to speak with someone, you may contact our headquarters office by calling us at (314) 339-7498 or by submitting a message on the Contact Us page of this website. We will gladly connect you with the Regional Overseer for your area to further assist you.


Covenant Partnership


Initial Membership Fee

A one-time non-refundable membership fee of $30.00


Monthly Seed

Bishops - $100.00

Overseers - $75.00

Pastors - $50.00



Participation in monthly scheduled conference calls.  This 21st century tool helps us keep in touch with each other, hear useful information, and give input re: needs, goals, and plans.

Code of Conduct
Each member of Kingdom Destiny Fellowship International shall abide by the following:
1. Members must walk with integrity, excellence, and respect for one s self and others.
2. Members should realize the significance of their connection to Kingdom Destiny       Fellowship Int'l, and conduct themselves as honorable ambassadors of the 

3. Members should not openly degrade, humiliate, and/or demean person(s) in an attempt to exalt themselves or assert their authority.
4. Members are expected to demonstrate both Christ-like attitude and behavior when working with issues that necessitate executive decision, insight, and expertise.
5. Members must not jeopardize the growth or image of the Kingdom Destiny Fellowship International by public sin, personal degradation, aggrandizement, accusation, and/or an attempt to exercise their individual influence in Kingdom Destiny Fellowship International.
6. Members, in accordance with biblical principles, should refrain from idle gossip and rumors.

© 2024 by Kingdom Destiny Fellowship Int'l. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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