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About KDFI


Kingdom Destiny Fellowship International is one of the fastest growing Pastoral Fellowships in the United States and currently has over 200 pastors as members world-wide. KDFI was founded in 2009 by its current International Presiding Bishop, Bishop D. Demond Robinson. Kingdom Destiny Fellowship International covers the United States, as well as Africa, Canada, the Bahamas, Pakistan, the Philippines and United Kingdom. It is a very exciting time to get involved as God shapes his agenda to cater to pastors all over the globe with a Kingdom  mindset.



Our Vision & Mission


We endeavor to create a standard of excellence by inspiring communication and inclusiveness for the development of the Pastor. KDFI members will be infused with a sense of service, energy, compassion, kindness, action, respect, and collaboration.


Our Vision
Kingdom Destiny Fellowship International is mandated to empower and develop Pastors in the spirit of excellence to fulfill their God-given destiny.


Our Mission is to guide Pastors and Leaders by developing and implementing strategies that impact communities for worldwide transformation.

Our Core Values



“We choose to have design-based leadership, where our Fellowship pastors and partners serve in the area of their passion and giftedness. All KDFI leaders will be strategically positioned based on their demonstrated capacity, humble teachability and unquenchable passion. We also choose to strategically develop and deploy our products and services to ensure that we are meetings the needs of our constituents.”



“We seek to build and perpetuate a fellowship community of authentic and genuine relationships that causes every KDFI pastor and leader to have a strong support system with fellow ministers of the gospel.” 



“As individual pastors, and as a corporate body we have a permanent pursuit of ultimateintimacy with God through prayer, worship and fellowship.”

“As KDFI leaders, we employ ourselves to compelling evangelism among other pastors andleaders with whom we have relationship, while targeting others to develop relationship with them so that they may be introduced to the work of KDFI Internationally."  



“We fully embrace the charge to maintain an atmosphere in every KDFI region and statethat pastors of multi- cultures, ethnicities, church sizes and socioeconomic backgrounds can relate. We only endorse the biblical framework for marriages.”



Core Value #6:  EXPANDING NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES“God has empowered KDFI to expand networking opportunities for local pastors andleaders. We believe in Evangelism in the Marketplace according to Matthew 4:19 (And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men)”

Our Fellowship Benefits


Fellowship: Opportunities to experience “Koinonia” fellowship with each other in the form ofperiodic conference calls, Leadership Summits, Kingdom Exploration Conference, meetings (Regional and State), and networking with pastors of like-minds. But exhorting one another…


Encouragement: Opportunities to connect, receive strength, and encouragement from each other. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not (Gal 6:9). As you see the day approaching… Hebrews 10:25


Guidance: Opportunities to seek godly counsel by utilizing spiritual expertise of the executive council. For where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety (Proverbs 11:14).


Christian Education: Opportunities exist to empower through continual theological educational training and Pastoral Training through our Conference School of Ministry. Church Development: training and education in areas such as church administration, accounting, computer skills, leadership development, church marketing and kingdom expansion.


Economic Development: Opportunities are extended to KDFI members in collaborative efforts to revitalize communities, create economic wealth, train in community development through global and community outreach missions, assist churches with faith-based grants and establish them to be financially independent without the tithes system.


Church Structure Development: Opportunities exist for 501c3 development, CDC Development, Capital Campaign Development, and Ministry Strategic Planning.


Pastoral Development: Opportunities exist for pastors to receive one on one Pastoral Mentorship, Financial Retirement Plans, Pastoral Insurance Programs, and Pastoral Networking for ministry expansion.

© 2024 by Kingdom Destiny Fellowship Int'l. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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